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A very nurturing school, they seem to focus on teamwork, inclusivity and striving to be the best that you can be.

My son loves coming to school, he’s happy and content and loves the teachers and TA's. There’s a great sense of nuture and care which I believe has helped my son to flourish and feel confident in his learning and progression.

The teachers and headteacher have always struck us as incredibly committed and it is clear that they genuinely care. Any queries or concerns have been dealt with promptly and to our satisfaction. We would highly recommend it to any parents in the area.




Our child has always been very happy here. Through regular communications via School ping, informal chats with staff and formal end of year repeats, we are well informed about our child’s education and their progress both academically and in the broader sense of their development.

I am never in doubt that my child is safe and well cared for and staff clearly take this responsibility very seriously.

My child feels safe and nurtured and we couldn’t ask for a better school.

My child is happy. He loves his teachers and has lots of friends across the year groups. I love how much play is incorporated into the school day and how much reading they do and the love of books they encourage. The school does loads to support the children’s mental well being and encourage physical activity. And their use of the iPads is brilliant too. I love showbie and how you can see the kids work on there. He loves showing me what he’s done! It’s a brilliant school with a fantastic headteacher who knows all the children really well. I would recommend it to any parent.

This is a lovely, welcoming and supportive school. We are greeted every morning by a member of the SLT at the gate. It is clear to us that they value being connected with the wider school community.

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