Curriculum Statement of Intent
Our pupils are at the heart of our curriculum. We aim that on leaving our setting, all our pupils are KS3 ready and prepared for their future learning and the wide ranging opportunities in modern life. We aim for all our children to access and meet the demands of a mastery curriculum whilst enjoying an enriched, broad curriculum, building solid social relationships and developing life-long skills which will enable them to be confident communicators in the workplace and equip them with the cultural capital they need to succeed.
'Inspiring all to learn, care and share' underpins our curriculum and is exemplified through staff/pupil/parent/carer relationships and the principles of working together for the greater good.
Unique to our school are our six curriculum roots: responsibility, courage, aspiration, respect, achievement and change.

These six values inform how we deliver our curriculum subjects in ways that are meaningful to our pupils, their lives and our surrounding community.
Our curriculum roots are progressive and engage pupils in open questioning at an appropriate level for them.
Our intent is to ensure that our curriculum gives children the best possible start to their journey in education by equipping them with knowledge and skills and the practical know-how to associate things beyond school for the benefit of all. We recognise that we live in a fast-moving society and it is important that we prepare all of our children for their future.
Through exploring and delivering these six roots we will see children who:
Know and act upon their own responsibilities for themselves, their communities and our planet.
Act courageously for themselves and others.
Aspire to be the best version of themselves and to recognise and act upon their potential.
Learn to respect themselves, each other and the wider world and value the positivity this brings.
Aim high, strive to achieve excellence through effort, hard work and determination.
Recognise the importance of change, prepare and embrace what it brings.
Remote Education Support
Where a class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home, our school has the capacity to offer consistent and immediate remote education. The remote curriculum will follow our usual curriculum sequence and will be of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school. All children are provided with individual devices to enable them to access the remote curriculum and we will work closely with families who do not have adequate access to wifi to ensure there is a seamless transition to a remote curriculum for all.
We will provide
1:1 iPads for all children
High quality online resources and teaching videos to ensure our curriculum sequence continues.
Meaningful and ambitious work each day.
Frequent, clear explanations of new content delivered by teachers via ZOOM to allow interaction, assessment and feedback. This will enable teachers to adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding