Even the hardest puzzles have a solution.
At Statham, we want children across the school to become confident, fluent mental calculators and reasoners and a staff who enjoy and are confident in challenging children’s maths knowledge and understanding. Our maths curriculum is underpinned by having a positive growth mindset and developing a resilient approach to maths, have stamina for problem solving and challenges and enjoy being stretched and challenged in their maths thinking. This is in line with the following recent research principles:
- Successful curriculum progression is planned from the beginning of a pupil’s education through focusing on core content, to develop pupils’ motivation and to allow more breadth and depth later.
- The planned curriculum details the core facts, concepts, methods and strategies that give pupils the best chance of developing proficiency in the subject.
- The teaching of linked facts and methods is sequenced to take advantage of the way that knowing facts helps pupils to learn methods and vice versa.
- Sequences of learning allow pupils to access their familiarity with the facts and methods they need in order to learn strategies for solving problem types.
Ofsted Research Review series: Maths, May 2021