Each class has 2 hours per week timetabled to allow the pupils to work towards the development of the child’s physical and mental wellbeing. Our curriculum encompasses motor competence, rules, strategies and tactics, underpinned by a philosophy of healthy participation. PE sessions involve skills based activity and application of skill within a sporting context. Specific skills may be filmed or photographed so that the children can see what they are undertaking and review areas where they might need further development, so they can improve. Our subject leader will collect video or photographic evidence and share that on showbie for children and teachers to see.
Our physical education curriculum is strongly supported by an extensive menu of after-school clubs. We pride ourselves on the impact that sport and fitness can bring to the confidence and self esteem of all our children. We regularly compete in inter school sports competitions as well as an extensively well organised program of intra-school competitions which is supported by sports leaders.
We follow the principles of honesty, determination, respect, passion, teamwork and self-belief and we have recently achieved the Silver School games award along with virtual awards during the lockdown.
Quotes linked to impact of teams and competition
There is dedicated Sports Week each year and children compete in house teams across a range of sports as well as an annual traditional sports day. Children can collect points for their teams across the year during inter-house competition.
KS2 children take part in swimming lessons across the academic year. We aim to ensure that children can swim competently and confidentially by the time they leave Year 6.
In fostering collaboration we expose children to a range of competitive experiences and work with Warrington School Games, WASSP, Warrington Wolves, Lymm Tennis Club and Warrington Athletics Club to provide these.
Opportunities for success are always present within a lesson, children are encouraged to use a growth mindset and support others to achieve their goals within the lesson.
There are lots of opportunities within the PE curriculum for children to work collaboratively which embeds a deeper understanding of their learning.
We recognise and celebrate children who take pride in representing our school in sporting competitions by awarding medals and certificates.
Sports leaders have opportunities to speak persuasively, make points clearly and constructively and listen attentively to the views of others within meetings and organising events.
As a school we recognise the benefits of outdoor play and learning. Playtime incorporates additional important opportunities for children to develop various skills: both fine and gross motor. As well as playing collaboratively and competitively, these skills feed into PE and help children develop and progress.
We have recently invested in The Power of PE to support our planning and delivery of PE in school.

Improving throwing and catching

