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Anti- Bullying Ambassadors

Autumn 1

Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign engages young people, parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline. Mrs Jones and our Ambassadors visited The Bolton School to continue to develop our schools successful Anti Bullying culture.

Autumn 2

Thank you to Y4 who concluded our Anti Bullying Week with an informative assembly for children and parents. Anti Bullying ambassadors will continue to support all children with their peer mentoring programme.

Thank you to all parents who responded to our parent survey. We had 94 responses and you can find the outcomes on our school website.

Spring 1

Well done to Y3 on their fabulous assembly. 

Children demonstrated teamwork, enthusiasm, inclusivity and passion during their assembly which celebrated difference and diversity.

Spring 2

Anti Bullying Ambassadors delivered a highly informative presentation to KS2 children this week and further explored child on child abuse.

Summer 1

Summer 2

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