At Statham, Children follow the Computing scheme iLearn2, alongside bespoke computing lessons where children learn to write programs, practise problem solving and debug along the way. Our Computing curriculum is underpinned by having a positive growth mindset and developing a resilient approach to computing by building on prior knowledge. They analyse difficulties when working and are taught to explore and think creatively how to solve problems. Learners develop their interdependence and resilience in doing so and utilise a number of cross curricular skills including maths, where patterns are often spotted. Our curriculum explores connectivity to the outside world and the use of technology for creative purposes such as creating artwork, manipulating existing artwork or photographs and creating videos. We teach our children to analyse and question information found on the internet when using it for research purposes. Above all, our children are taught to be respectful users of modern technologies and learn how to keep themselves safe online.
A team of E Safety Cadets regularly visit classrooms and deliver assemblies to provide up to date advice and information on eSafety. Our team of Digital Leaders have a passion for technology and use their knowledge to promote the use of all things digital in school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on a responsibility, learn new skills and demonstrate leadership skills.
Our curriculum lead is compiling an electronic portfolio of evidence.which will be recorded on Showbie.
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