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We are constantly reviewing our practice in light of parental feedback. We have recently discussed our homework policy and the impact homework has on children’s organisation, learning and enjoyment of the curriculum. With this in mind and taking into account your recent views from school questionnaires we have changed our homework policy.

We aim to ensure the balance is right so that children develop good learning habits to aid their education in the future whilst still having time to enjoy and pursue their own interests during their primary years.

Our main homework priority for all children is reading. We expect all children to engage in approximately 20 minutes of reading each day. Children in KS1 will have the opportunity of taking home a variety of books per week. These will be matched to their phonic learning with the emphasis on reading for fluency, enjoyment and comprehension. Children in KS2 may have books selected by the class teacher or may independently choose from our extensive library. Any children who are unable to read daily at home will be given an additional opportunity within school to do so as part of a weekly home reading catch up club.

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