At Statham CP we use Showbie as our remote learning platforms. All expectations are outlined within the Remote Learning Policy.
We have a phased approach to our Remote Learning offer.
Phase 1: If your child is off school for a few days and is well enough to complete work
- Access Showbie with your child’s personal username and password
- Continue with home reading ( additional books can be requested from school )
Phase 2 : If your child needs to stay at home for a longer duration as per governmentguidelines and is well enough to complete work you can:
- Access all of the activities above.
- Your child’s teacher will make weekly contact and will monitor remote learning access
Phase 3 : If a whole ‘bubble’ needs to stay at home for a longer duration as per government guidelines and your child is well enough to complete work you can:
- Access all of the activities above.
- Utilise the weekly timetable that will be provided by class teachers and outline specific tasks/lessons to complete (see Appendix A).
- Attend daily live or prerecorded Maths/ English/Reading/Phonics Zoom lessons led by the class teacher.
- Complete other subjects independently as advised by the class teacher and upload to Showbie following instructions on the class home page.
Phase 4
If the whole school needs to stay at home for a longer duration as per government guidelines and your child is well enough to complete work you can:
Follow Phase 3